LAN_PRINT_135Clitoraid supports Florida mother who faces prison for refusing to have her little boy Genitally Mutilated. Clitoraid asks U.N. to ban childhood Genital Mutilation worldwide for both genders
(LAN_PRINT_86 보도자료)
LAN_PRINT_94 nadine
08 3월 2015
Clitoraid supports Heather Hironimus, a Palm Beach County, FL resident who is facing a prison sentence for refusing to have her 4 year old little boy genitally mutilated or "circumcised" as the medical community lightly calls cutting off a part of a boy's penis who has no say in this matter.
“Bodily harm is against the fundamental rights of all children, and we can’t understand when a so-called civilized country such as the United States would allow its male babies to be so readily mutilated legally!" said Nadine Gary, spokesperson for Clitoraid.
Clitoraid ( is the international, non-profit organization founded by Rael, spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement (, to end Female Genital Mutilation by offering free clitoral repair surgery to victims of this barbaric act. Now the organization is urging a worldwide end to genital mutilation of male children as well.
“The United Nations passed a resolution that condemns all cultural and religious arguments in favor of FGM because the act constitutes a gross violates of children rights,” Gary said. “But how can the U.N. ban Female Genital Mutilation and not denounce Male Genital Mutilation as well? Is it exempting certain religions from respecting the fundamental right of baby boys?”
Gary said that according to the World Health Organization, 30 percent of males worldwide are circumcised.
“This means billions of people have been mutilated without their consent,” Gary said.
Brigitte Boisselier, Ph.D., head of Clitoraid, affirmed that mutilation of any baby or child in the name of a god is unacceptable.
“It’s been done for centuries under the pretense that a god requested it, but no religion should be allowed to harm infants or children who can’t give informed consent,” she said. “We’re setting up a hospital in Africa that’s due to open next year, where female victims can go to have genital repair surgery for free. “And, thanks to Clitoraid, thousands more can find relief at several clinics in North America. But we’ve also been getting e-mail from hundreds of circumcised men who want to have their own mutilation undone. They need help too! So, as Rael has repeatedly stated, it’s urgent to have all the old scriptures reviewed by an independent committee on human rights so that all religious group practices are in agreement with the Declaration of Human Rights.”
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